Thursday 13 December 2012

Realisor Philosophy and Principles > BRM

It all started with an feeling that so more more could be achieved on programmes. A philosophy was developed that led to the creation of BRM Fusion Limited and Realisor.

This philosophy is summarised below and helps set the scheme of why Realisor is more than software to help implement a benefits realisation process. It is much, much more than that.

Here is a summary, followed by greater detail.

Realisor is based on a simple philosophy of the importance of communication, explanation and end-to-end understanding and control.

  • Communication – working together to get the job done
  • Explanation – why are you spending - what do you seek to get out of it?
  • End-to-End – from concept to completion of investment returns

The philosophy is underpinned by six guiding principles. These are essential characteristics of Realisor as a product and approach.

  1. We are all benefits led: you invest or change only for the benefit it gives
  1. Not all benefits are created equal and not everyone agrees on importance
  1. Benefits and costs need to be considered ‘through-life’
  1. Benefits from investment only flow when Capabilities are changed or sustained
  1. Quantitative and qualitative information must be transparent to decision makers
  1. Only the right things with the right resources need to be done


Realisor is based on a simple philosophy of the importance of communication, explanation and end-to-end understanding and control.

Communication – working together to get the job done
BRM Fusion strongly believes that you get greater results when enterprises share, discuss and pursue joint outcomes (rather than a customer versus contractor relationship) . Good software and method design helps enterprises work together to get the job done.

Explanation – why are you spending - what do you seek to get out of it?
Our approach is centered on being clear of what results are needed. Being able to explain to others what is required gives a common focus and challenge for people to respond to. Ideas and designs have increased value and there is a greater chance of getting what is sought.

End-to-End from concept to completion investments
We understand that the best investments are those that are right through-life, from conception to completion. Having a seamless view over time helps you make good investment decisions and enables the expected returns to be made a reality.

The philosophy is underpinned by six guiding principles. These are essential characteristics of Realisor® as a product and approach.

1.We are all benefits led: you invest or change only for the benefit it gives
Rationale: there is always something driving action, to gain a benefit or reduce a dis-benefit.
Implications: benefits and dis-benefits need to be identified and agreed.

2.Not all benefits are created equal and not everyone agrees on importance
Rationale: there is subjectivity and ambiguity around relative weightings and priorities and these change over time.
Implications: need to make implicit thoughts and feelings explicit so they can be understood and ‘good enough’ views agreed. A process of re-tuning and realignment is needed. The amount of precision and agreement will differ depending on each situation and context.

3.Benefits and costs need to be considered ‘through-life’
Rationale: there is a flow of benefits and costs that give the net impact on benefits and dis-benefits. This flow is in three parts those initially experienced, those that then happen over time and those that happen at the end.
Implications: need to consider benefits and costs over all three parts of an investments/ changes life.

4.Benefits from investment only flow when Capabilities are changed or sustained
Rationale: An enterprise or person has to be capable of doing certain things if benefits are to be gained/ dis-benefits reduced. It must also do what it is capable of. To increase benefits delivered then the enterprise/ person needs to either change what it is capable of or perform differently.
Implications: Capabilities needed to get expected benefits must be identified and agreed. This includes the level of benefit they deliver now (baseline), that expected after investment/ change and what the needed investment/ changes are.

5.Quantitative and qualitative information must be transparent to decision makers
Rationale: to make informed decisions measures of  benefit must be made explicit and values estimated. These explicit values are key to creating and comparing the attractiveness of options.
Implications: measures and the units of measure must be defined, even using an ‘order of’ quantitative range of value. Current and target performance can then be estimated and the impact of new/ changed capabilities understood.

6.Only the right things with the right resources need to be done
–Rationale: resources and changes must add enough value to be included in plans.
–Implications: Justify inclusion by aligning resources and changes/ investments to the Capabilities they impact. Likewise, align all the capabilities to benefits/ dis-benefits that they impact. Remove and reduce any that do not add any, or too little, relative value.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Six Outcomes - Benefits Management and Realisor

I was given a challenge: to show the essence benefits management in 6 outcomes or less.

Oh, and I needed to make it applicable to not just projects, programmes, portfolios but also bids, sales and relationships.

The result is below: what benefits management and Realisor could mean for you.

Some may say I've cheated with extra comments and a short story beneath but in my defence I would say they just provide additional context!

Note: The circles are outcomes and the lines show contributions.

This creates a simple story:

  • Get clarity and agreement of what success looks like - start with the end in mind.
  • This, aided by software, helps you plan, focus and make decisions on what's most important.
  • Waste and confusion is also reduced as a result of clarity and agreement.
  • An ability to better plan, focus and decide give greater control of results.
  • With this greater control, lower waste and confusion then Customers can be more satisfied. 
  • More customers and a greater control of results leads to business performance improvement. 

If you find this diagram helpful, feel free to re-use, alter and reproduce it as you feel fit.
The diagram was created and can be edited (for free) in a visual programme mapping tool called Realisor.


Monday 20 August 2012

Is software needed for benefits realization?

Has it ever occurred to you that software is needed for benefits realization?

Some people say to me that you don't need software but I know that when you do Benefits Realization fully the complexity and inefficiency of manual working is prohibative.

So what are the added benefits of using a tool such as Realisor?  ( ) 

1. SPEED & COST: Fast and low cost benefits management process
You decrease the time (and therefore cost) taken to carry out the benefits realization process (from idea to realisation).

2. QUALITY: Quality plan & proposal estimates
You increase the quality of benefit estimates in business cases and investment board reviews by providing benefit data that is more evidenced, traceable and based on analysis. Giving greater confidence in estimates and decisions and expectations are based on more accurate data. 

3. CONFIDENCE: Plans that deliver benefits and capability needed
You minimise the risk that activities/ resources needed in plans to deliver expected benefits and capabilities are omitted. 

4. LEAN: Plans and designs are not over specified
You minimise the activities/ resources that are included in plans/ designs that either do not deliver needed capabilities/ benefits or over deliver them.

5. DECISIONS: Easy to compare proposals/ options
You increase the ease of comparing different business case/ proposals options, for example, so similar levels of data, rigour and analysis is available for all business cases/ proposals.

6. WAIT TIME: Speed and effort of creating business cases/ proposals
You increase the speed of creating different business case/ proposal options.

7. IMPROVEMENT: Identify improvement areas
You increase the ability to understand which activities are adding the most  to the objectives/ outcomes required. Changes can be proposed to the Program that give either the greatest benefit increase for lowest cost or most cost cutting for lowest impact on priority benefits.

8. RE-USE: Re-use of Program and Service information
You increase the ability to re-use a complete set of benefit and Programs/ plans information – this includes the speed and ease to rework existing ones to meet new requirements. New Programs are faster, cheaper and easier to set up.

9. STANDARDS: Standardization of Program activities
You increase the ability to re-use completed templates and approaches that have been proven to work.

10. MATURITY: Increase the maturity of Programs
You increase the level of maturity in Program management and need tooling and approaches that will enable us to increase maturity.

11. ENGAGEMENT: Fast and easy people engagement
You increase the ease, speed and impact of creating and sharing a single page graphical view of a Program and also to graphically show the flow of value to be delivered over time.

12. ACCOUNTABILITY: Increase Accountability
You increase the accountability of benefit owners and managers so the actions needed to manage and realize benefits are carried out fully and greater benefits can be realised.

Monday 13 August 2012

Have we been doing it wrong? Beliefs and less Benefits.

I have a proposition to make - let's talk more about beliefs and less about benefits! I'd like to explain.

It's good to work closely with people, before, during and after change to drive greater benefits, isn't it?

As helpers, managers and leaders we use the word ‘benefit’ and in my experience this word alone can make eyes glaze over. People I speak to frequently think benefits realization is to create a map and then passively track and report. Do you find that too? 

They miss the point of what is a significantly value adding role.

I have some questions for you:
  1. Should benefits realization make sure key stakeholders and experts feel in sync or on the same wavelength as each other?  (Rapport)
  2. Should it help them to feel similar or relate well to each other in terms of what needs to be achieved and how to achieve it?   (Goal and Plan Alignment)
  3. Should it help them agree and then do things to make it happen? (Achieve results together)

I propose that as helpers, managers and leaders we need to start focusing more on ‘beliefs’, and hopefully you agree if you answered YES to the questions above.

To achieve them then we have a duty to:
  • Uncover what people ‘believe’ is needed and use these insights to challenge and structure a commonly accepted set of beliefs. E.g. this is what we believe is needed, what we need to do to get them and how they will contribute (a belief map rather than a benefit map?)
  • Get people to acknowledge the reality of their situation – at the start of change and throughout – so it can be improved upon.
  • Help people to change their own perceptions and then do what is needed.

To build rapport amongst people, to get their goals and plans aligned and then help them achieve results together we need to talk more about beliefs.

Let's now start talking more about beliefs and less about benefits. 
By doing this, I believe, benefits realization can truly drive greater benefits from change.

Friday 3 August 2012

Benefits Realization - Why and How

Benefits Realization - Why and How

I was not happy with the last post - I felt that people deserved a more clear and compelling map.

So I ripped it up and set back to work.  The result is a high-level map - one version is below with just the outcomes and objectives on and the second with the initiatives needed to achieve the outcomes. Get and edit these using the links at the end of the post.

Click on to expand:

A summary: Benefits realization helps you get more value from your people, it improves planning, delivery and the impact of decisions and actions. This contributes to decreased costs, risks and greater results. These results, the impact on your reputation and the way people are involved and programs deliver all increase satisfaction of people who matter.

Below I've added in the key initiatives to help make this a reality.

The results don't come for free - there is a need to do some extra things and some different things. You don't need to do everything shown but the more you do then the better the results.

A summary: A journey is needed to change the way people think and how they behave to be more benefit and outcome focused (I-2). Information will need to be shared (I-3) and people supported (I-9).
For each program/ portfolio a model needs to be created of the benefits and other plan informations. This model needs to have choices on so people can choose different ways of delivering the program. The choice of plan needs to be made and information gathered and reviewed. Actions will need to be taken, as part of on-going management and governance.

I hope this is useful? I will publish more details on each of the outcomes and initiatives over the coming months. In the meantime feel free to download the map and use.

If you find this diagram helpful, feel free to re-use, alter and reproduce it as you feel fit.
The diagram was created and can be edited (for free) in a visual programme mapping tool called Realisor.


Thursday 19 July 2012

Business Case for Benefits Realization - Success

Trying to get people to change is a real challenge; getting organizations to use benefits realization seems nearly impossible.

They have a lot to do already, money is scarce and time even more so.
I am sceptical... answer my questions... show me evidence, are also natural responses.

What we need is a clear business case for benefits realization.

Let's agree the categories and then we can start collecting the evidence. The essential evidence.
I believe that there are eight categories of benefit and I'll go through them one at a time on this blog.

  1. Success
  2. Change Risk
  3. Clarity & Confidence
  4. People & Roles
  5. Program Planning
  6. Complexity
  7. Trust & Support
  8. Control

Let's take Success first of all today.

I've used the word programs a lot but you can substitute this with words like change, projects, portfolios, transformation and activities.
Also, given all the experience out there I'm sure this is not comprehensive, so feel free to post your comments and I'll rework to include them.


In short, benefits realization management (BRM) enables you to achieve greater results over time. 
BRM can therefore be essential for survival if an organization depends on the success of its programs. 

  1. BRM can increase the likelihood that expected results will be delivered on-time, decrease the late delivery of results and help to achieve results earlier.  
  2. BRM enables the performance of programs to be judged on results achieved rather than just deliverables. Surely you need to judge success based on benefits realized and not just deliverables?
  3. The increased transparency BRM brings can significantly reduce any on-going frustrations with both poor results being delivered and failure rates. Spot and correct risks and issues earlier, share clearer information more often.
  4. This clarity also helps to manage the expectations of sponsors and other stakeholders.
  5. The demonstration of progress with realizing benefits can help maintain (or speed up) the pace and momentum of change. Actual results achieved and what is still possible can be shared and used to challenge and motivate. Reducing risk of change.   

  • There are costs.
    • Taking on the approach involves the use of simple processes and roles together with the need to provide a minimum set of information. 
    • Processes include the selection of appropriate measures, setting of targets and estimating the impact of the changes, aligning plans to deliver benefits and governance activities.
If you find this diagram helpful, feel free to re-use, alter and reproduce it as you feel fit.
The diagram was created and can be edited (for free) in a visual programme mapping tool called Realisor.


Wednesday 18 July 2012

Benefits Realization - part of the solution?

Why do people and organizations invest in change when they are often not clear of:

  1. What benefits they really want in return for their blood, sweat and tears?
  2. What really needs to be done to get them?
  3. If they are on track to get them along the way?

Without being clear on these surely they are likely to be disappointed. Most don't seem to learn. 
This is a good place to start the 5% campaign - realizing benefits from change is part of the future.  

Known by many names, benefits realization (project benefits management) is surely one of the areas we need. At over 15 years old the area has been bubbling under the radar of most businesses and programs. 

If you are involved in, responsible for or a victim of change then it's worth paying attention to the area. It could help you achieve more not just in your work life but also in your personal life too.

I'll be dipping into the area more and there is a growing amount of materials on the Internet. It's an area I'm passionate about.

Good books include:
  • John Thorp - The Information Paradox
  • Ward, J. and Murray, P. (1997), Benefits Management: Best Practice Guidelines.
  • Bradley, G. (2006), Benefit Realisation Management – A practical guide to achieving benefits through change
There is also software to help: 

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Greater results for all - the 5% campaign

Every year billions of dollars are wasted, effort is wasted and opportunities lost.
This is an outrageous position and people and enterprises deserve better.  I believe there is a better future.

This blog is about Outcome Achievement: that everyone should achieve more of what they value with as little waste as possible. Waste being whatever does not contribute to valued outcomes.

I believe that people and organisation should end low value activities and achieve greater outcomes.  I am frustrated that the outcomes they value are not identified, agreed, planned for and achieved.

This blog is about sharing and helping people and enterprises achieve 5% more of what they value.

For example, in August 2005 a Harvard Business Review article identified study there is an average of 37% performance loss in organisations due to a number of factors.

Available approaches related to Outcome Achievement directly address 12.3% of this. Even if we achieved a 5% target then this would make a real contribution.
You're very welcome to join the campaign.