Friday 3 August 2012

Benefits Realization - Why and How

Benefits Realization - Why and How

I was not happy with the last post - I felt that people deserved a more clear and compelling map.

So I ripped it up and set back to work.  The result is a high-level map - one version is below with just the outcomes and objectives on and the second with the initiatives needed to achieve the outcomes. Get and edit these using the links at the end of the post.

Click on to expand:

A summary: Benefits realization helps you get more value from your people, it improves planning, delivery and the impact of decisions and actions. This contributes to decreased costs, risks and greater results. These results, the impact on your reputation and the way people are involved and programs deliver all increase satisfaction of people who matter.

Below I've added in the key initiatives to help make this a reality.

The results don't come for free - there is a need to do some extra things and some different things. You don't need to do everything shown but the more you do then the better the results.

A summary: A journey is needed to change the way people think and how they behave to be more benefit and outcome focused (I-2). Information will need to be shared (I-3) and people supported (I-9).
For each program/ portfolio a model needs to be created of the benefits and other plan informations. This model needs to have choices on so people can choose different ways of delivering the program. The choice of plan needs to be made and information gathered and reviewed. Actions will need to be taken, as part of on-going management and governance.

I hope this is useful? I will publish more details on each of the outcomes and initiatives over the coming months. In the meantime feel free to download the map and use.

If you find this diagram helpful, feel free to re-use, alter and reproduce it as you feel fit.
The diagram was created and can be edited (for free) in a visual programme mapping tool called Realisor.


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